Rigel Gemini

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Lifestyle: Misfit Fitness & Sleep Tracker

I am working on my fitness this year, which means I have been trying to get exercise multiple times per week. Since I work from home, I'm aware that I don't move around as much as I should during the day. I'm thrilled to be using the Misfit Shine 2 to track my activity and sleep. And perfect for me as a swimmer, it's okay in a pool!

Since I am into fashion, a lot of my product choices are based on appearance and design. I have been looking into fitness trackers for a while, and generally I was disappointed with how they look. Many fitness trackers are are too "tech" looking. But the Misfit designs are intentionally fashion-forward. And The Misfit Shine 2 has a slim, chic design and multi-colored lights, which make it a little fabulous.

Fashion statements with Misfit

The Misfit products come with a variety of color choices, including a newly launched custom design program M.Y. Misfit. Product designs also range from simple bands to camouflaged bracelets like the Swarovski Activity Crystal. So as far as fashion-enthusiasts go, Misfit is the fitness tracker of choice.

What do I think of it? I have been using the tracker for 2 weeks, and I love it. It tracks activity and sleep automatically. I've already noticed which nights I am getting better or worse sleep (based on the ratio of light sleep to deep sleep). And I am aware of how little I am moving around on days that I don't make an effort to go to the gym or enjoy the outdoors.


The Misfit app made it easy to set up, and the interface is easy to use. I set the product to vibrate whenever I get a text or call, so I know if I'm getting a notification even if my phone is in a bag or not in my pocket.

I included 2 reports from the last week. I'm showing a good night of sleep on Tuesday, May 30th, where you can see I have large chunks of deep sleep. And then I included a fitness day from Saturday of Memorial Day weekend when I went to Runyon Canyon for a hike. I set my points goal to 800, which is a combination of steps and other activities I may do.

The only drawback I found is that the lap tracker feature didn't work perfectly, but I will have to try it again. It's activated by triple-tapping the device at the start and finish of swimming exercise. It tracked the time in the pool properly, but the lap count was off even though I set the pool length properly.

All in all, I give this device a glowing recommendation. It wins huge points for form factor, and even more for being easy to use. Thank you Misfit!

Clean, sleek design on Misfit Shine 2